Tuesday, March 6, 2012

I have re-opened the dialogue with If Vahinkovakuutus

It is with very mixed feelings that i have reopened the dialogue with If vahinkovakuutus. If you have read my previous conclusions from my first attempt to engage them you will understand why.

In my opinion If vahinkovakuutus have publically shown themselves to be very untrustworthy, unethical and entirely non customer orientated. In any case as If vahinkovakuutus have still not given me the recording of the phone conversation that this whole experiment and engagement has been based upon then i have reopened the dialogue via their facebook pages to try and get it back.

I had not expected this course of events would be necessary but apparantly it is. Below is the screen shot of the new conversation. If vahinkovakuutus seem to be ignoring it currently. Again this can only serve to damage their public image further.

social CRM media If vahinkovakuutus vakuutus PR Finland Suomi customer service asiakaspalvelu
View the conversation on Facebook.

1 comment:

  1. So to finish the story then.

    If did finally give me the recording and based upon my girlfriends wishes not to publish it i decided not to.

    However the basic content of the message was as remembered. If certainly implied that we were covered and gave examples of what was covered and sums of money. We were never told that we were not speaking to an If specialist and a generic customer service provider.

    So with this and If´s continued resistance i decided to stop the effort here. Now the story is here make up your own mind about what you think and if you wish to try and learn from my successes and mistakes.
